Hameline/Eccleston is a straight talking, commercial and real estate law firm with offices in Dallas and Cincinnati. We provide tailored and personal legal advice to companies and individuals to facilitate their transactions and protect their businesses and assets.
While, we have particular preeminence in the energy sector, our clients are varied and sophisticated. We advise, publicly traded companies, privately owned organizations, banks, entrepreneurs and private landowners as they manage their commercial risk, people, estates, business structures, and their private wealth.
Building strong personal connections with our clients is important to us. Many of our clients have been with us since the founding of the firm in 2008. Our clients value our in-depth knowledge and our pragmatic and plain-spoken solutions.
We have ten attorneys with licenses spanning a dozen jurisdictions, so we are capable enough to efficiently handle complex projects, but small enough to maintain our close client relationships.
To learn more about who we are and what we do, visit our Meet and Practice Areas pages.